I am, nothing but,
A fool pretending -
To be clever
You are also,
Nothing but,
You're also -
Not pretending.
A fool pretending
by - suraj sharma on Sunday, February 15, 2009
by - suraj sharma on Sunday, February 15, 2009
I am, nothing but,
A fool pretending -
To be clever
You are also,
Nothing but,
You're also -
Not pretending.
"The meaning of my jokes lies somewhere you'll laugh to avoid going to."
"twitter: the place where not only those who can't do teach, but even those who can't teach, do."
"To whom does a casual stroll through the lunatic asylum show that faith does not prove anything?"
"Jack of all trades but one, never uses a comb and is built by the forces that blew away Dorothy's home."
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